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Welcome to Stoney Country


We are the original “people of the mountains” known in our Nakoda language as the Iyarhe Nakoda and previously as the Iyethkabi. We are called by many different names historically and in current literature:

Stoney Nakoda (incorrectly as Stony)

Mountain Stoneys (or Sioux)

Rocky Mountain Stoney (or Sioux)

Warriors of the Rocks

Cutthroat Indians

(in Plains sign language, the sign of cutting the throat)

or wapamathe

Historically, our neighbouring tribes designate the Stoney Nakoda as “Assiniboine,” a name that literally means “Stone people” or “people who cook with stones”.


Stoney Tribal Administration

P.O. Box 40

40 Morley Road

Morley, AB

T0L 1N0

To contact us:

Phone: 403-881-3770

Fax: 403-881-2676


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